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Fourth Wall

Politics and Poison at Princes Gardens – A New Lady Marmalade Mystery Novel
Frances is involved in her very first case as a young woman of 17. At the turn of the twentieth century, Mr. Chamberlain’s housekeeper, Mrs. Buckham, at his London home is charged and convicted of murdering his personal secretary, Mr. Sefton. In her final year at St. Mary’s all girls school, Frances, with her best […]
The Buzz
Not normally an area of fiction i'd read but it sounded intriguing... and it was! Fun,entertaining, with a central character that has an exquisitely unique view of things. Yankeelin Amazon Reviewer
Vey easy reading and it is a page turner!!!!! I like Mrs. Marmalade's adventures!!! And as a character she has very interesting points of view!!!! Pen NameConnie Amazon Reviewer
This was a powerful story, incredibly well-told, that has stayed with me. I don't think I will ever forget it, it has been burned into my memory. Rai Aren Nook Reviewer

About the Author
Jason is a writer of all sorts of fiction. He's written from Adventures to Zombie fiction while skipping Romance. He is best known for his mystery fiction, both cozies and hardboiled. The cozy mystery … Read More about About the Author