- Publisher: Lemon Tree Publishing
- Available in: Paperback and all eReader Formats
The Windy City, Chicago, is holding the World Series at Wrigley Field. An exceptionally rare World Series between the Loveable Losers (Chicago Cubs) and The Birds (Baltimore Orioles) with the Cubs favorited to win. Until that is, their star pitcher James Ensor is found dead at third base.
The highest paid player on the Cubs team, Ensor had his share of enemies. There’re the other pitchers itching for a shot to shine. Bad blood between Ensor and the left fielder Gibb, and that’s not to mention infidelity, mismanagement and gambling over this billion dollar team.
Will Anthony Carrick be able to help the local homicide detectives put this homicide to bed so that Chicago can go back to enjoying the World Series? The pressure is on from the Mayor and the Chief of Police for a quick resolution. But the Windy City is blowing a foul wind and each corner offers up more convoluted clues than Ensor could throw curveballs.
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