- Publisher: Lemon Tree Publishing
- Available in: All eBook Formats
The Misgivings of the Vampire Lucius Lafayette
Killing Time is #10 in the Lucius Lafayette Vampire Series. It is a novelette. Recently back from Nazi Germany and finally having taken care of exterminating the werewolf known as Adolf Hitler and his pack, Lucius is once again looking for his son.
In New Orleans, Ezra (Lucius’ oldest son) and Javed (our narrator) are rudely interrupted by a group of rude Asian gangsters as they sit quietly in a small mom and pop Korean restaurant trying to eat dinner in peace.
After all that excitement, Lucius and Javed take off to Paris where the Council of Vampyri is located in Orléans. Before Lucius is able to appear before the council, he and Javed narrowly escape an assassination attempt by Vampyri Special Forces.
This means that the Council of Vampyri has been infiltrated, most likely by the werewolves, at the highest levels. Could one of the council ministers be a double agent, and will the Council help Lucius find his son, Cage?
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